Building Quality Branded Content for your Website Marketing
Are you trying to get ahead of your competitors and be your customer’s FIRST choice?
Do you want to become your industry subject matter expert?
Let us show you how to BOOST your website marketing and SEO by using QUALITY branded content across your website and social media pages.
Do you have a Website?
Does your website still hold the original content from when you first launched the site? Is this outdated content also being used by your marketing and sales team?
When was the last time you engaged a brand agency to review, update and reposition your brand identity, message and positioning?
How confident are you that it still meets the benchmark in your industry?
Do you have a social media presence?
When was the last time you reviewed your company profile and the brand message being published across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and even your alliance partner’s websites?
Your brand content should be picked up by Google SEO – are you sure it’s correct AND also current?
Brands need to be continually reviewed and updated to remain relevant in ever-changing markets. It’s critical that you keep reviewing your brand content to ensure it’s current, and that it matches what your customers want (or searching for).
Get your Brand Message & Positioning Right!
Developing your company’s brand and marketing content takes a specialty skill and experience!
When done correctly, it builds trust and positions your brand as an authority or subject matter expert.
Your website or social media articles (blogs) become the flagship of your marketing content. They form your online content marketing program which ultimately boosts your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).
They also provide potential buyers with a trusted source of information which can influence their decision-making process AND persuade them to make a purchase.
Quality and educational driven content informs your customers about the problems you solve and the benefits of your solution.
How to create QUALITY Website and Social Media Content
1. Understand who your customer is and the problems they are trying to solve
2. Write content that’s precisely what they are searching for?
3. Focus heavily on education and answering key problem questions
4. Think of your content as branding rather than lead generation
5. Build value by asking yourself ‘would I read this AND what do I get out of it’
6. Focus on trust and social authority e.g. use cases, examples, facts and figures
7. Avoid the marketing jargon and acronyms
8. Have the content written as a conversation and NOT as an SEO article
9. Include an action that drives engagement e.g. download guide or register etc
10. Engage a brand agency to help with your content. Begin with your brand identity, brand message, and company profile.
rev™ Brand Marketing help companies more easily describe, communicate, and market their business to drive sales and growth opportunities.
For over 20+ years, rev™ has been working with companies to re-define their brand offer, and create brand stories which are strategic, creative, and connect with their audience to inspire purchase driven actions.
rev™ Brand Optimisation uses digital experiences and journeys to build customer loyalty and trust. We develop powerful brands elements and content that will ultimately drive your business and create opportunities for growth and investment.
Need help with your Website Content?
START with our rev™ Brand Optimisation Service. This popular service helps you to measure, benchmark, and create powerful and focused branded content. GREAT content and focused brand messages will make your offer irresistible to your customers.
Book your rev™ Brand Optimisation Service today!
Alternatively, contact us on +61 3 9863-7444 or [email protected]