Social Media and Internet Policy and Usage Guide from rev Branding Agency

Protect Your Company’s Online Presence with Our Social Media and Internet Policy

Download our comprehensive pre-populated MS Word template to create your company’s internet and social media policy PLUS a usage guide for employees and contract staff.

In today’s digital age, maintaining a strong online presence is crucial for businesses. However, this comes with its own set of challenges, particularly regarding social media and Internet usage by employees.

To help businesses navigate this complex landscape, we’ve developed a comprehensive Social Media and Internet Policy and Usage Guide ‘pre-populated document template’.

Meticulously crafted, you simply insert your company name into the pre-populated document template, saving you time and effort otherwise spent creating a policy from scratch.

30 Pages with 27 detailed sections…

Our guide is a detailed 30-page document designed to establish clear guidelines for employee and contractor behaviour regarding social media and Internet usage.

It outlines acceptable behaviours and usage of social media and the Internet, ensuring that employees understand how to responsibly use these platforms while protecting the company’s reputation and maintaining Internet security.

Key Features:

Comprehensive Detail: With over 27 detailed sections, our guide covers a wide range of Internet threats commonly faced by companies.

Customisable Template: Our pre-populated MS Word document format allows you to easily customise the guide with your company’s name and key contacts, creating a professional and tailored Internet security policy and user guide for your employees and contractors.

Save Time and Effort: Meticulously crafted to be fit for purpose, our guide saves you valuable time and effort otherwise spent creating a policy from scratch.

Document Contents

• Introduction
• Document Purpose
• Document Scope
• Social Media for Personal Use
• Social Media for Professional Use
• Confidentiality and Privacy
• Inappropriate Employee Internet Usage
• Company-issued Equipment
• Training Provided
• Security
• Cybersecurity
• eMail Security
• Accessibility and Inclusivity
• Brand Advocacy
• Social Media Influencers
• Minimising Legal Actions Against the Brand
• Company Association Rules
• Employee Advocacy and Engagement
• Official and Industry Regulations
• Social Media Platforms Rules and Regulations
• Managing Public Relations
• Personal Views and Representation
• Online Interaction – Responding to Online Comments
• Legal Compliance
• Copyright Guidelines
• Contractors and Third-Party Resources
• Monitoring and Enforcement
• Review and Revision
• Key Contacts
• Frequently Asked Questions
• Conclusion and Summary

Purchase Now!

If you need to create an Internet and Social Media Policy PLUS a ‘how-to-use guide’ for employees, then this single document covers the lot.

If your goal is protecting your company’s online presence, we encourage you to grab this pre-populated template.

Don’t leave your company’s online reputation and security to chance.  With our guide, you can rest assured that your company is equipped with a robust policy to address Internet security concerns effectively.

ONLY $325.00 +gst.  You can [insert company name] into the template to create a comprehensive Internet and Social Media Policy PLUS a usage guide for employees and contract staff.

Internet and Social Media Policy and Usage Guide by rev Branding

Purchase Now


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