
Learning the Art of Sales Qualification

Learn the Art of Sales Qualification – DOWNLOAD the free 10- page whitepaper which is packed full of great information PLUS heaps of detailed how-to notes and tips within each section.

The Art of Sales Qualification THE MOST important part of the sales process.
Any great sales process will incorporate consistently enforced sales qualification criteria. Learn how to ensure that no sales leads fall out of your sales funnel!

Why is qualification so important?
Good sales qualification will remove a whole lot of wasted time, effort, money and planning. Sales qualification is not only important to the seller, its JUST AS important to your buyer.

Value to the buyer:
• It optimises the use of the buyer’s time and also their resources
• It helps the buyer to define the problem they are trying to solve
• It helps the buyer to identify a solution that is best for ‘their’ organisation
• It helps the buyer secure executive buy-in for funding the solution.

Value to the seller:
• It optimises the focus and use of your time
• It ensures that all of your activities are focused on the sale
• It exposes problems within the sales opportunity
• It provides clarity for next steps and actions
• It eliminates any element of surprise during the sale process
• It allows your business to forecast sales and plan resources.

Sales Qualification is a series of steps that naturally fall within certain tasks of your sales process or framework.

Learn the Art to Sales Qualification Whitepaper

DOWNLOAD the rev™ The Art of Sales Qualification Whitepaper.
This FREE 10-page ‘how-to guide’ is packed full of great information PLUS a heap of detailed notes on each section.

Art of Sales Qualification includes:
Understand your brand sales strategy
Understand marketing to drive marketing qualified leads (MQL)
Develop your phone qualification checklist (initial qualification stage)
Plan your meeting qualification process
Training, coaching & mentoring to build a sustainable sales pipeline.

This is one of the BEST tools we have created for salespeople and we believe ESSENTIAL FOR EVERY SALESPERSON. (Get instant access to the document)

Learn the Art of Sales Qualification Guide from rev Branding


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